About Me

10 things to know about me:


  • My name is Adesh Acharya. Born in Kathmandu, Nepal in 1993.
  • Grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal dreaming of seeing the sea someday.
  • Hated school. Hated studies. Struggled with maths. Wasn’t good at sports, music, dance, or art. I was only good at talking with interesting classmates while the teacher taught.
  • Never dreamed of becoming anything. Wanted to be in a developed country that had sea.
  • Developed a passion for writing down lyrics’ in my songbook while listening to tracks.
  • Was socially awkward. Couldn’t understand classroom politics or economics.
  • Listened to pop songs before liking Pop-punk, and then evolved my ears into loving heavy metal before finally hating music.
  • Without being pretentious, I can/could enjoy South Park, Withnail and I, Sacha Baron Cohen’s works, and that’s all. I hate movies and shows now, too.
  • I once enjoyed philosophy. Eastern Western Northern Southern. But I hate reading or talking about it now. I like to embed it in my thoughts and talks.
  • And that’s what I love full-time now: talking with interesting people and potential audiences.  I follow sports. I enjoy music on a bus ride. I can’t understand dance. I find movies and fiction painful.
  • And I am writing this from Canada.
  • I know it’s 11 points and not 10. And that’s another thing about me. I am clumsy and messy. Yet, I came back alive from my successful solo backpack trip to India to see the sea when I was 22. And that’s my biggest achievement in life.
  • And here’s my wallpaperable photo for you:

Here are my social links:

  • Medium: Adesh Fr – Medium
  • Substack 1: South Asian Mirrror: https://asouthasian.substack.com/
  • Substack 2: https://adeshfr.substack.com/